Summer guidelines for people with diabetes

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Summer guidelines for people with diabetes

Summer guidelines for people with diabetes

For people with diabetes, the combination of summer heat and increased humidity can be dangerous, as it can lead to hypoglycemic episodes, dehydration and other heat-related problems. Also a lot of humidity and increased environmental temperature can threaten people with diabetes.

Firstly, because it can "raise" the sugar, and secondly, because in people with neuropathy, the thermoregulation system of the body is disturbed, as a result of which they do not sweat enough, so there is a risk of increasing their internal body temperature. Certainly the biggest enemy for people with diabetes is the heat and temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius as it can not only affect their body but also their medicines, strips, sugar meters and insulin pumps making them ineffective and making wrong measurements.

In the summer, the risk of microtrauma is also increased, on the one hand due to the "open" shoes (sandals, flip flops) worn by the patients, on the other hand due to less clothing that leaves more skin exposed to the environment. Extremely dangerous is walking without shoes on the beach: it can cause from cuts to burns in those with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. If a diabetic does not realize in time that e.g. scratched somewhere, a serious wound can be created which can even lead to amputation.

Every summer we often see diabetic foot problems that can be prevented with basic care. An increase in physical activity with swimming, which reduces the need for medication, can also create a problem, but also dietary deviations that increase the need for medication. What to do in summer: Consult your doctor, as there is a chance that your medications may need to be adjusted. Keep the air conditioner on at home at a maximum temperature of 25-26 degrees, even when you sleep. Drink plenty of water, even if you are not thirsty (more than 8 glasses of water). Put Onstevia in your life in drinks and sweets.

There is no need to deprive yourself of your favorite recipes since now you can enjoy them without the calories. Don't be afraid of lite sodas Drink juices, but in moderation, because they contain carbohydrates. Never walk barefoot, indoors or outdoors. When you go to the sea, check your blood sugar. If you see that it is low, drink a glass of natural juice to avoid hypoglycemia in the water. Don't swim alone or do water sports alone. Hanging out with friends who know you have diabetes and can get hypoglycemia can be a lifesaver. If you take insulin, carry and store it in an insulated bag with ice packs.

If you are taking medicines for type 2 diabetes that cause polyuria you should drink plenty of water. Never leave antidiabetic drugs, supplies and equipment (meters, pumps) in the car, under the umbrella at the beach or pool, or on the beach towel. They should be in an isothermal bag with an ice pack. Alcohol consumption should be in moderation and always after eating (we never drink alcohol on an empty stomach).